Beste Roland,
Hoe gaat het met U?
Ik lees u nog regelmatig in de duif! Ik wilde u melden dat ik afgelopen zaterdag een 1e prijs heb behaald met duiven van U. In 2011 heb ik 3 duiven gekocht bij een veiling van Bram Walpot te Steenbergen (NL).
2 van de 3 duiven hebben samen een koppel gevormd, en daar zijn de 418 en 417 uit gekomen in 2012, twee prachtige blauwe duivinnen.
Een tijdje geleden op de Eendaagsefond vlucht Vierzon, heeft de 418 van de 3e van Vereniging P.V. de Zwaluw te Oud-Vossemeer, en 5e van Rayon 6 (Zeeland) zie uitslag:
Afgelopen zaterdag op een midfond vlucht vloog de 417, de 1e van Vereniging P.V. de Zwaluw te Oud-Vossemeer, en 3e van Rayon 6 (Zeeland) tegen 677 duiven. Zie uitslag:
De ouders van deze duiven zijn de 10-017 en de 10-019. Ik heb de stamkaarten er bij gedaan.Uit het andere duivinnetje van 2009 heb ik ook al 2 bruikbare duivinnen gekweekt.Wat kunt u mij vertellen over deze stamkaarten / duiven?
Verder vliegen de jonge duiven die ik bij u heb gekocht uitstekend, ik ben er nog geen kwijt!
Met vriendelijke groet,
Jurre van den Berge
Molenvlietsedijk 15a
4691 HS Tholen
0031 (0)166600290
Mail Kevin Spencer Algarve Portugal
Hi Roland and Andre,
I am just reporting the success of the Roland Janssen pigeons in Portugals Algarve over 170 miles
on Sunday 9th March 2014. I spoke to you on the telephone many years ago and you you said that
Red Bingo was the key.
I since then moved to Portugal and bought a Son of Red Bingo and A daughter of White feather
from Michael Massarella at Louella lofts.
This attatchment is the letter I just sent to him, if you want to report this success on your website please do.
Best regards Kevin Spencer.
I (Kevin Spencer) purchased a pair of Roland Janssens from Louella lofts in late 2010 a son Of Red Bingo GB 08 Z 93279 paired back to his mother Diamond White and a daughter of White feather GB 06 R 42241.
Michael Massarella very kindly gave me a matched pair of Roland Janssens to offset the cost of the shipping by air to Portgal Algarve GB 2010 37195 and GB 2010 38119. These birds both turned out to be cocks as it seems difficult to sex the RJs as the hens are kind of agressive and a little better muscled like the cocks.To cut a long story short I bred one or two off these birds, mating the 2010 birds with birds I had raced and had shown promise from the older pair of RJs . The RJs instantly showed great promise here and they seem to handle the Heat really well too.
This weekend along with 28 other birds we entered 2x White Griz RJs in the 2nd race of this 2014 season from Sardoal it is about 170 miles as the crow flies, under our racing name Vai and Vem in our club Odiaxere in the Algarve Portugal . Vai and Vem translates to (They go and They come back) and our partnership is Myself Kevin Spencer and my partner Joan Tutty, Jose Rodriguez and His wife Carol. The wind was moderate SE with odd gusts making a headwind and our loft is in Lagos along the coast of the Algarve in the West. We expected birds around Midday and at 11-47am we got 4 birds arrived together racing hard and right online one of the 4 birds was a White RJ bred from one of the Cocks that Mr. Michael Masserella gave to us his Ring number of the bird we bred is PT 2012-2395519 as the 4 birds went for the board the RJ missed it and lost around 30 seconds as he had to take another fly past to hit the board 2nd time around. So in essence he was joint 1st even though he was 4th in our ETS clock, our next bird a few mins later was the only other RJ we entered in this race, ring number PT 2014-2395513.
When we got to the club we found our birds had taken 1st, 2nd 3rd and 4th and the 2nd RJ bird took 13th place, (here in Portugal) we have to classify as many as we can from our entry, the top 20% of birds from the liberation. The club entry was around 500 pigeons. We have topped our Barlovento Federation around 2,500 birds and the 1st of our 2x Roland Jansens that missed the board on his decent to it and lost valuable seconds is still 6th Fed and all the first 4 birds figure really highly in the Combine result. We are 1st 3rd 4th and the 1st RJ we clocked is 6th in the half Combine of around 6.000 birds and the second RJ we clocked (our 5th pigeon on the day from our entry of 30 birds)is 34th half Combine. The Half combine is the Combination of "our" N Barlovento Federation and our rivals closer to Faro Centro Federation and the Full Combine includes the Sotavento1 and Sotavento 2 federations the East side of Faro up to near to Monte Gourdo (the home of the Algarve golden Race). There was a full entry of around 10.000 birds in the Full Combine. We are 1st 3rd, 4th and the first RJ we clocked who was with those first 3 but he made a mistake and missed the landing board first time is 6th Full Combine 10.000 birds. The 2nd RJ we clocked from the 2 RJs we sent is 38th Full Combine from Around 10.000 birds this last weekend 9th March 2014.
I can give you the links to prove what I am saying as we have a very complex database organised by the Portuguese Federation that must be up there with Belgium in terms of professionalism. Please feel free to report the success of the Roland Janssen birds on your website if it will be of any help to you. I always try to give credit where it is due and I thank all the staff at Louella and Michael Massarella for the help in initially getting these pigeons to the Algarve Portugal.
Click on the link below to see results Roland Janssens pigeons in Portugal by Kevin Spencer and Co. They race under the name Vai & Vem
Results Vai & Vem
Under Classificacoes de provas you need to click (pombos) this means pigeons in Portuguese.
This will show a drop down menu.
Por zona means Zones. The Algarve is split in to 4 federations or Zones we are Zone Barlavento, Centro is another Fed or Zone and then on another menu it shows Zones Sotavento 1 and Sotavento 2.
You need to click on the arrow next to por prova Monteforte and select "Sardoal" the Sunday 9th march racepoint in question. Then click pesquisar or "search"
Enviados means birds entered it shows 5,507 at the moment but there are still the results and birds to add from clubs Lagoa and Hortas which bring the entries total to 6,600 birds plus for this half combine of N. Barlavento and Centro Feds.
Now the second half of the result is easy as from this page on the Drop down link on the top left POR ZONA you can see the results for the 2 Sotavento Feds and them combined together. You will see another 3,846 birds went from there. Look at the velocities and you will see that only a few of their birds beat our 5th pigeon.
When the results missing are added our 5th bird the second of our 2 RJs entered move s down to 38th from his position of 30th at the moment.
We have to manually compare the two Combines together, N Barlavento/Centro and SS Sotaventos but the total is 6,600 birds from our Combine plus 3,800 from the other combine for a grand total of 10,400 birds plus.
We only have the 2 Roland Janssens to race this season but I have bred a few more that will take in a race later this year to prepare them for their season in 2015. Our problem is we do not have YB racing in our Combine here in the Algarve.
Best regards Kev, Joan, Jose and Carol.
Mail Hamad-Al-Sawaq Kuwait
Results of the Hot Spot Car Race 1 in the Sun City Million Dollar Race Johannesburg:
4th : Hamad-Al -Sawaq from Kuwait. Congratulations Roland
Mail Dirk Swarts South-Africa
Hi Andre,
It's very cold in South Africa, I have entered birds at and it's still early days but we had
very bad training fligts although I have entered only one ROLAND JANSSENS bird he is doing very well
and is always in the top loft from 1000 birds. Today he was on 142km at 1245mpm nr 46 and was 32 seconds
behind the first bird . These birds really amaze me and I think they are really hugely underestimated especially
on 500 km plus. If you want to have a look the birds name is SIMBA and the results is under winter race.
Vriendelike groete Dirk
46 Dirk Swarts Z0250 Cyrils 2011 1690 06/15/2012 09:38:50.20 1247.401 Simba
Basketed Pigeons 891 Releasepoint Koppies Releasepoint 6/15/2012 7:45:00 AM
Distance 142 km Arrived Pigeons 861
Update John and Alex Mellor with Bandit Line based Roland Janssens pigeons
Club result HCFC, Club result Mirfield, Federation Result, Distance
We send between 8 and 12 cocks to each club
- Race 1. No prize HCFC, 3rd, 6th Mirfield 149 birds. No prize Federation. 50 miles
- Race 2. 8th HCFC 474 birds, 2nd, 7th Mirfield 170 birds, 4th Federation 2254 birds. 84 miles
- Race 3. 1st, 2nd, 4th HCFC 399 birds, 3rd, 8th Mirfield 154 birds, 3rd 4th, 5th, Federation 2096 birds.127 miles
- Race 4. No prize HCFC, 3rd, 8th Mirfield 174 birds. No prize Federation. 84 miles
- Race 5. 1st, 7th, 8th HCFC 373 birds, 1st, 2nd Mirfield 123 birds, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 17th and 18th Federation 1967 birds. 153 miles
- Race 6. 1st, 4th, 5th HCFC 332 birds, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Mirfield 120 birds, 2nd, 11th, 12th Federation 1833 birds. 195 miles
- Race 7. 1st, HCFC 316 birds, 1st, 6th Mirfield 120 birds, 6th Federation 1685 birds. 127 miles
All these prizes except 1 have been won with pigeons bred from Roland's birds!
Exceptional performances include:
Blue Pied Cock:
- 1st from 373 birds, 3rd from 1967 birds. 153 miles
- 1st from 316 birds, 6th from 1685 birds. 127 miles
This cock is bred from 'Vaal Bingo'. He is son of the Rode Bingo when paired to '076' a sister to 'Super Jaarling. This cock was paired to 'Golden'. This hen was bought by Premier Stud from Roland and is a daughter of 'Witte Plek' when paired to the daughter of 'Den Bijter'.
Blue Chequer Cock:
- 1st from 332 birds, 2nd from 120 birds, 2nd from 192 birds, 2nd from 1833 birds. 195 miles. All these prizes were in the same race
- 2nd from 399 birds, 5th from 2096 birds. 127 miles
- 8th from 373 birds, 18th from 1833 birds. 153 miles
This cock is bred from one of our old Meulemans cocks when paired to 'The 33 Hen'. This hen is a daughter of 'Feathers' who is from the original pigeons
brought back by Graham Milliken in the 1990's. 'Feathers' was paired to 'Yellow Eyes' who is a daughter of 'Jonge Bingo' from 1993.
White Cock:
- 1st from 123 birds, 4th from 1967 birds. 153 miles
- 3rd from 154 birds, 3rd from 2097 birds. 127 miles
This cock is bred from 'Sprint 05'. He is a son of the Rode Bingo when paired to 220. He was paired to 'Dochter 12' from Super Kweker 12.
Blue Cock:
- 3rd from 120 birds, 4th from 332 birds, 5th from 192 birds, 11th from 1833 birds. 195 miles. All these prizes were in the same race
- 4th from 373 birds. 127 miles
- 6th from 221 birds, 11th from 1283 birds 84 miles
- 7th from 373 birds, 17th from 1967 birds. 153 miles
- 8th from 474 birds. 84 miles
This cock is from 'Young Johnny'. He is a son of 'Johnny Boy'. Young Johnny was paired to a daughter of the 'Blauwe Bingo'.
Mister Hamad-Al-Sawaq from Kuwait won in Sun City Million Dollar Race Johannesburg
South - Africa in Car Race 3 december 2011 the Golden Millennium with the White Bandit bloodline.
A mail from Dirk Swarts Chloorkop Johannesburg South-Africa.
Hi André
I bred fantastic birds of Rolands pigeons.I also entered one in the one day loft race here. a friend of mine received two babies of me that's crossed whith a cock from Roland and score twice in top 50 from more than 1800 pigeons and it was 680km and 780km overnight race that was very tough they are so nice the babies that my Father wants to keep them all. im very happy whith your help.
Hartlike groete dirk
Roland's super sprint racer and breeder, B07/4203061 Rode Sprint or Red Sprint, is now in the loft of Mister Hamad-Al-Sawaq in Kuwait. So there's one more excellent Roland Janssens pigeon in Kuwait.
Roland's latest best breeding pair, B06/4158074 and B06/4158026, father and mother of Gerda and the Perfect Blue Hen are now in the loft of Mister Hamad-Al-Sawaq in Kuwait. So at the moment not only Gerda and the Perfect Blue Hen, but also the parents of both pigeons are in Mister Hamad's breeding loft in Kuwait.
Now Roland's mail-address for mails in Dutch is: The mailto on this page has been adapted. The mails in English haven't changed.
Hamad-Al-Sawaq from Kuwait was 1st National and 12th International in Sun City Million Dollar Type: Car Race with Guernsey Girl, a daughter of Rita, granddaughter of Red Bingo and greatgrandchild of Old Grey.( See Photogallery when entering this website : Former Roland Janssens' Pigeons ). Distance: 201 km (124.9 miles) Pigeons Sent: 3.553
The Red Devil is the Father of the Mealy Sprint that was in 2009 already, 1 x 1st 4 x per 10 and 11 prices on 10 races. In 2010 4 x 1st 9 x per 10 and Ace Pigeon Competition Greater Beveren 1st Price
Photo with pedigree and bandnumber of the Mealy Sprint will be listed at the end of the racing season.
De Super Yearling is the father of De Stier / The Bull a late bred young Quiévrain: in 2009 6 on 6 and 6 x per 10. In 2010 4 x 1st 9 x per 10 and Ace Pigeon Competition Greater Beveren 2nd Price after Mealy Sprint. Photo with pedigree and bandnumber of the Bull / De Stier will be listed at the end of the racing season.
So far Roland has won 17 first prices: Blue Bingo 2 x 1st, 1 x 2nd. Den 81 1 x 1st , 1 x 3rd, 2 x 4th, Johnny Boy 1 x 1st. A mealy youngster of the Red Devil 2 x 1st, 1 x 2nd, 1 x 4th, a son of Big Kevin 1 x 1st of 609 young pigeons etc...